We invest >13% of our net turnover in R&D to unlock our full potential
Since every drug development process is different, we understand your needs and goals; we act with agility and mitigate the risk. We design process development strategies to deliver the optimal balance between speed to clinical therapy and cost, without ever compromising on quality or patient safety.
Our research team of highly qualified and experienced scientists applies strict international guidelines in all procedures such as:
- Evaluation of API suppliers
- Quality by design (QbD) methodology for the development of all pharmaceutical forms
- Laboratory, exhibit and commercial scalability
- Design and implementation of non-clinical (in-vitro) studies
- Execution of stability studies
- Technology transfer activities
- Product development in collaboration with customers
- Development of product dossiers and support on registration processes
- Problem solving in manufacturing process and analytical matters
- Upgrading of old dossiers to current industry standards

We partner to accelerate your journey to market, balancing risk and cost for the drug development project.

RAFARM has developed important collaborations in joint research programs around the world
University Worlwide:University of Michigan – USA, Triclinic labs/ Indiana University – USA, McCrone Associates – USA, Biotools – USA, Altasciences – Canada, University of Pisa – Italy, Ronzoni Institute – Italy, Neotron SPA – Italy, Eurofins – Italy, Novartis Labs – Germany, University of Leoben – Austria, Institut Jozef Stefan – Slovenia, SYNPO Czech Republic, Intertek – UK, Nelson labs – Belgium, Solvias – Switzerland, Cliantha – India
University Institutions in Greece: Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras, Crete, Ioannina as well as internationally prestigious research centers such as “Demokritos” and “National Research Foundation”
RAFARM has developed important collaborations in joint research programs around the world
University Worlwide:University of Michigan – USA, Triclinic labs/ Indiana University – USA, McCrone Associates – USA, Biotools – USA, Altasciences – Canada, University of Pisa – Italy, Ronzoni Institute – Italy, Neotron SPA – Italy, Eurofins – Italy, Novartis Labs – Germany, University of Leoben – Austria, Institut Jozef Stefan – Slovenia, SYNPO Czech Republic, Intertek – UK, Nelson labs – Belgium, Solvias – Switzerland, Cliantha – India
University Institutions in Greece: Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras, Crete, Ioannina as well as internationally prestigious research centers such as “Demokritos” and “National Research Foundation”